LWN On Demand

LWN webinars available On-Demand

The LWN On-Demand series of webinars are perfect if you want to repeat one of the many webinars avavilable or to catch up if you were unable to attend on the day. Each was originally delivered live and attendees informed that the session was being recorded for future replay. Simply choose which title or titles interest you and watch as many of the selected On-Demand webinars at a time that suits you.

It’s free and convenient, and all HCPs are welcome.

At the end of the session, there is a very short evaluation and then you will receive a certificate for watching. Webinars from the LWN In Conversation series are a discussion-style delivery and do not have accompanying slides.

On-demand webinars at a glance

Blood Pressure

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 

CVD & Chest Pain

Chronic Kidney Disease

Hands holding human kidney to represent chronic kidney disease

Diabetes & Oral Health

Health Inequality

Medical Education 

Medicine Adherence


Motivational Interviewing

Self Care

Social Media Data Analysis in healthcare

VTE – Venous Thromboembolism

Nursing Specific

An insight into Learning Disability Nursing 

Nursing – Revalidation

Nursing and holistic care

Overseas Nursing 

These webinars are part of the LWN series provided FREE to increase accessibility to all.

At LWN we feel it is important to continue to deliver FREE webinars, especially during the current cost of living crisis and global disasters restricting attendees’ ability to continue their professional development in healthcare and medical education. The trainers volunteer to deliver webinars without payment however there are back-office costs that have to be covered. If you would like to donate towards the costs incurred in providing webinars to help LWN continue to offer free webinars, please visit our LWN Donations page by clicking the DONATE button

On-demand webinars in more detail

Blood Pressure

Revalidation for UK nurses presented by Una O'COnnor and Naomi Stetson
Understanding Blood Pressure
An introduction to Blood Pressure, including a novel way to remember pathophysiology and the role of baroceptors – simply dinosaurs and dinner ladies.

Recorded 19th February 2024

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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

A collaboration between Policy Connect, Gas Safe Charity and Learn With Nurses.

A collection of webinars, quiz and articles to raise awareness of carbon monoxide poisoning for healthcare professionals. 

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Cardiovascular Disease and Chest Pain

Revalidation for UK nurses presented by Una O'COnnor and Naomi Stetson
Chest Pain in Women: When it’s not atheroma
Learn With Nurses Founder and Director Michaela Nuttall is joined by guest speaker Becky Warnes to highlight awareness of chest pain in women that is not atheroma related.
Recorded July 2022

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Revalidation for UK nurses presented by Una O'COnnor and Naomi Stetson

Heart Spasms & More

This on-demand teaching session hosted by Learn with Nurses founder Micheala invites Sarah Brown to join a conversation sharing her lived experience with a heart condition. Sarah will talk about how she has been able to cope with the ups and downs of living with a long-term condition, the importance of empathy and the role of patient advocacy. At the end of the session, viewers will be able to fill out our feedback form and receive a collective certificate. Listeners on a podcast will not be able to view the live chat function or join in on the feedback. Come join us to gain a better understanding of your own patients’ experiences and to learn more about Sarah’s journey.

Recorded on 17th April 2023

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Revalidation for UK nurses presented by Una O'COnnor and Naomi Stetson
Menopause and CVD
Learn With Nurses Founder and Director Michaela Nuttall is joined by guest speaker Dr Vikram Talaulikar, certified ‘menopause specialist’ by the British Menopause Society to discuss the impact of hormones on cardiovascular risk for women.

Recorded July 2022

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Chronic Kidney Disease

Revalidation for UK nurses presented by Una O'COnnor and Naomi Stetson
Understanding Chronic Kidney Disease
Part of the ‘Understanding ….’ series, this webinar is an introduction to Chronic Kidney Disease, demystifying and simplifying the pathophysiology of the kidney in this back-to-basics session.
Recorded 19th February 2024

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Diabetes and Oral Health

Funded by the Burdett Trust for Nurses 

A series of webinars exploring the relationship between diabetes and oral health:

  • Why should nurses look in people’s mouths?
  • Diabetes and Oral Health: A two-way relationship
  • Advertising and its impact on our mouths
  • Nurses discuss diabetes, oral health and general health relationship
  • When and why should nurses look in mouths
  • What about the kids?
  • Why doesn’t everyone brush their teeth?
  • Oral health: Should we leave it all to the dentists?


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Health Equality

Revalidation for UK nurses presented by Una O'COnnor and Naomi Stetson

Health Inequalities

Delivered in a 40-minute bite-sized webinar by Learn With Nurses Founder and Director Michaela Nuttall and LWN Strategic Partnership Lead, Award Winning Business Consultant Becky Warnes

Recorded on 16th November 2022

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Revalidation for UK nurses presented by Una O'COnnor and Naomi Stetson

Reducing Health Inequalities 


Learn With Nurses Clinical Director Joanne Haws is joined by GP Dr Farzana Hussain , highly accomplished clinical leader with more than 20 years of experience as a practising GP principal and in a variety of local and national roles.

Recorded on 13th July  2023

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Medical Education

“Medical Education Saves Lives”

Learn With Nurses Founder and Director Michaela Nuttall is joined by MedAll Founder and CEO Dr Phil McElnay to launch our brand new series of Learn With Nurses in conversation.

Join Michaela and Phil as they discuss:

  • The positive impact of medical education globally.
  • How and why the amazing platform MedAll evolved to deliver medical education virtually
  • The benefits for busy HCPs to register, view and access all things webinar related in one place.

“Listening to the conversation with gave me a great understanding of the idea behind what I see when watching a webinar. It adds the human touch and human story. I think it gets but in from participants which is vital for growing ideas.”

Feedback from a nurse

Recorded on 28th September 2022

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Medicines Adherence

Revalidation for UK nurses presented by Una O'COnnor and Naomi Stetson

A Spoonful of Sugar… Supporting medicines adherence 

A discussion with Learn With Nurses Founder and Director Michaela Nuttall.is joined by Helen Williams, Consultant Pharmacist for CV Disease about medicines adherence:

·      Why should I worry about medicines adherence?

·      Why do people not take their medicines?

·      How can I support my patient with their medicines?

Recorded on 18th July  2023

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Motivational Interviewing

Revalidation for UK nurses presented by Una O'COnnor and Naomi Stetson

Supporting behaviour change through Motivational Interviewing

Join us for this exciting discussion-style webinar to learn about motivational interviewing and how it can help you in practice with a great new Learn With Nurses in Conversation webinar with guest speakers Jan Procter-King and Ali Oldam.

Recorded on 11th January 2023

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Self Care

Revalidation for UK nurses presented by Una O'COnnor and Naomi Stetson

A collaboration between C3 Collaborating for Health, the National Association of Primary Care, the Self Care Forum and Learn With Nurses to provide resources to help healthcare professionals prioritse you.

Visit the Self Care page to access leaflets, webinars and a fun quiz.

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Venous thromboembolism awareness

Revalidation for UK nurses presented by Una O'COnnor and Naomi Stetson

Webinar and podcasts recorded in October 2022

VTE Awareness

Every 37 seconds somebody in the western world dies from a venous thromboembolism (VTE).

Most of these are related to a hospital admission and all healthcare professionals have an essential role to play in preventing and managing VTE.

Have a look, listen or play with our VTE series including our on-demand webinar, podcasts or The Big Quiz, where we aim to improve knowledge and confidence in:

  • Prevention of VTE
  • Early identification of VTE
  • Diagnosing VTE
  • Management of VTE

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Nursing Specific

Revalidation for UK nurses presented by Una O'COnnor and Naomi Stetson

An insight into Learning Disability Nursing 


Michaela is joined by Learning Disability Student Nurse Cloe Hawkins s for this discussion-style webinar to give an insight into Learning Disability Nurse training and Learning Disability

Apologies for the sound issues during this webinar 

Recorded on 29th March  2023

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Revalidation for UK nurses presented by Una O'COnnor and Naomi Stetson

Revalidation for Uk Nurses

Presented by LWN Operations Manager Una O’Connor RGN with Naomi Stetson RGN

A discussion outlining and simplifying the revalidation process, including answering questions from the audience

Recorded on 10th November 2022

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Nursing and holistic care. Is it really possible?

  • What is holistic care?
  • What are the frustrations of not being able to provide holistic care?
  • Learning from the Parish Nursing model in providing holistic care:
  • What is parish nursing?
  • How does it work in practice?
  • What can I take away from this to use in my own practice?

Delivered in a 40-minute bite-sized webinar by Learn With Nurses Founder and Director Michaela Nuttall with Guest Speaker Dawn Stephens, Regional Nurse Coordinator for Parish Nursing Ministries UK

“I needed to hear the words ‘You can not do everything ‘

I am encouraged by the takeaway to look at the person in front of me, what is important to them and what small thing can I do to add value for them.”
Feedback from a nurse

Recorded on 14th October 2022

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Revalidation for UK nurses presented by Una O'COnnor and Naomi Stetson

Overseas Nursing, where to start and what to think about.

An insight into expanding your nursing career to work overseas.

Presented by LWN Clinical Director Joanne Haws with Guest Speaker Vanessa Teed MSN, RN, CEN

Recorded on 23rd November 2022

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Social Media Data Analysis in Healthcare

Unlocking inequalities with social media

Presented by Michaela Nuttal with guest speakers Beth Fordham & Lucy Bell to discuss Equality in Cardiovascular Care

– High level description of what our methodology and technology can provide above traditional market research.

– Why we decided to tackle this subject:

– Cardiovascular diseases are estimated to take 153,000 lives in the UK every year, and 17.9 million lives globally

– There is a proven disparity in quality of cardiovascular health because of social determinants of health like, sex and gender, and neighbourhood poverty, a root cause of which is inequality and bia

Recorded on 9th November 2022

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Following on from their previous webinar: Unlocking inequalities with social media

Presented by Michaela Nuttal with guest speakers Beth Fordham & Lucy Bell from White Swan, to discuss Equality in Cardiovascular Care

During this session, we’ll learn about how Black Swan Data, was able to use technology to pull data from blogs and forums on topics of health to predict trends in consumer behavior, and how they adjusted the same process to look for answers to an individual’s health issues. We’ll also hear about White Swan’s latest volunteer project, a cardiovascular research project focused on equity and access to healthcare.

Recorded 28th September 2023

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Improving fibromyalgia patients’ care Insights into improvements in care using social data

Deriving insight into patients’ experience from social media conversation

LWN Founder & Director Michaela Nuttall RGN MSc is joined by guest speakers Beth Fordham & Lucy Bell from White Swan in a LWN in conversation webinar:

Explanation of how the work was done.

Identified ways to improve care by establishing patient needs:

o  Ideal health care settings

o  Self-management & education

o  Personalised care

o  Communication guidance

Recorded on 22nd June 2023

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These webinars are part of the LWN series provided FREE to increase accessibility to all.

At LWN we feel it is important to continue to deliver FREE webinars, especially during the current cost of living crisis and global disasters restricting attendees’ ability to continue their professional development in healthcare and medical education. The trainers volunteer to deliver webinars without payment however there are back-office costs that have to be covered. If you would like to donate towards the costs incurred in providing webinars to help LWN continue to offer free webinars, please visit our LWN Donations page by clicking the DONATE button

New to LWN and interested in joining LWN events using MedAll?

Check out the guide for more information on the registration and certificate process.

Do you have a query regarding Learn With Nurses webinars?

You may find the answer in the Frequently Asked Questions found HERE

If you still need assistance please do get in touch