Latest Past Events

In Conversation with NHSE Lead GPN Louise Brady: Talking all things General Practice

Michelle Turner RGN MIPHE is joined by NHSE Lead GPN Louise Brady for a 40 minute discussion talking all things General Practice, with a focus on: Long term conditions Group Consultations Inequalities Nursing across the Life Course Careers in Primary Care I am passionate about sharing any knowledge I have, to teach and inspire others. […]


Cholesterol and Diet

Healthy eating can make a huge difference in cholesterol levels and heart health. Join Michaela for an introduction to the basics of cholesterol and diet with simple ways to understand and remember. Delivered in a 40-minute bite-sized webinar.Michaela is a cardiovascular nurse specialist with a unique and varied experience across the NHS and beyond. She […]


Understanding Cholesterol

An introduction to the basics of cholesterol with simple ways to understand and remember, delivered in a 40-minute bite-sized webinar by Learn With Nurses Founder and Director Michaela Nuttall.  Michaela is a cardiovascular nurse specialist with a unique and varied experience across the NHS and beyond. She developed her passion from prevention over 25 years ago […]
