Christine Hancock Founder and Director of C3, Collaborating for Health is joined by Jill Iliffe, Executive Secretary, Commonwealth Nurses and Midwifery Federation to discuss ‘Why doesn’t everyone brush their teeth as part of the Diabetes and Oral Health Series.
Nurses and midwives are in a unique position to raise awareness about the importance of oral health and provide oral health education to individuals, families and communities. Implementing preventive measures early will alleviate individual pain, discomfort and disfigurement and reduce the economic burden of oral diseases on individuals and the health system.
A collaboration between C3 Collaborating for Health, the Commonwealth of Nurses and Midwifery Federation and Learn With Nurses.
Funded by Burdett Trust for Nursing.
Founder of C3 Collaborating for Health
Christine Hancock founded C3 Collaborating for Health after a career working in nursing and Britain’s NHS. When she was President of the International Council of Nurses she saw the impact the growing burden of chronic disease was having across the world.
Christine leads the small team at C3, building on the contacts she made when she was CEO at the Royal College of Nursing and before that as CEO of Waltham Forest’s NHS. An economist from the London School of Economics she believes in the power of data, clear evidence and a good case to secure support from all areas of society necessary to achieve the change that is needed to secure healthier lives, especially for the most disadvantaged people. She has been a member of the NHS Health & Wellbeing Advisory Board.
Executive Secretary, Commonwealth Nurses and Midwifery Federation
Registered nurse and registered midwife from Australia. Extensive clinical career in remote areas, community health, and women’s health. Involved in establishing nurse practitioner role in Australia. Extensive involvement in legislation, regulation and policy review and development related to nursing, midwifery and health at state and national level in Australia. National Secretary of Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation for nine years. Executive Secretary of Commonwealth Nurses and Midwives Federation past 12 years. Worked with nursing and midwifery leaders in countries to review legislation; develop standards of education and practice; continuing professional development frameworks, and scopes of practice. Worked with three countries to write new mental health legislation. Strong focus on achieving practical and sustainable outcomes.
This webinar is part of the LWN series is funded by Burdett Trust for Nurses and provided FREE to increase accessibility to all
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