An overview of the impact physical activity can have on the prevention and management of long term conditions.
By the end of the session you will be able to:
Delivered in a 40-minute bite-sized webinar by OHID physical activity clinical champion Michelle Turner RGN MIPHE
I am passionate about sharing any knowledge I have, to teach and inspire others. I deliver webinars for PHE on physical activity as a clinical champion and have been asked to write a chapter of a book for Professor Sue Thompson from Nottingham University on Physical activity after she attended one of my webinars for her students.
I enjoy engaging with others and feel that I have a lot to offer, I am very patient-focused, and patient-led consultations are the key to my consultations, I would like to share how I do this and utilise the great resources out there such as” Language matters “ within the education sessions I offer. I would like to deliver lifestyle medicine pillars for staff wellbeing and for that knowledge to then be part of consultations with patients in the “Making every contact count” philosophy.
This webinar is part of the LWN series is funded by Burdett Trust for Nurses and provided FREE to increase accessibility to all
This webinar will be delivered via MedAll Live, you will need to be verified to participate in the chat and for future access to your certificates and any reflective notes you make in your profile.
Verification is available to healthcare professionals globally, you can find out how by clicking here