Pill Swallowing
This special event webinar is part of a research study by Dr Alice McCloskey and Dr Emma Lim.
The research will consist of a pre-webinar quiz on this link: https://forms.office.com/e/dLgQu8Vsni
The pre-quiz will ask you to reflect on your own experiences of pill swallowing and your own practice- have you ever asked a patient about pill swallowing difficulties? had any training on this topic? or used any methods to help patients take their pills more easily?
The webinar (approximately 45 mins) will run on the advertised date and time and you will listen to an introductory presentation around pill swallowing with a live demonstration of an interventional pill swallowing training technique.
At the end of the session you will be asked to complete a short electronic post-webinar quiz (less than 5 minutes to complete) providing your views on the webinar.
A follow-up electronic quiz (less than 5 minutes to complete) will be circulated 8 weeks after the webinar to all delegates asking them if they have put their learning into practice and to provide some further details on this.
As with all LWN webinars, all delegates who attend will have the opportunity to receive a certificate of participation for CPD and access to presentation slides on submission of evaluation via MedAll.
You do not have to participate in the research to join the webinar but as healthcare professionals, we do hope that you will do as we all know how important it is to evidence practice.
NB: If participants wish to join in with the live demonstration, you will nee a sports capped water bottle, cake toppings e.g. hundreds and thousands, mini-smarties, swizzels and tic-tacs or other similar sized sweets to hand